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  • Region :China/Liaoning
  • Tel : Domestic sales department:+86-24-74570274;+86-24-74127073;+86-24-74127072;Export sales office:+86-24-74570273;084-24-74127079;+86-24-74127078;Supply:+86-24-74570267;+86-24-74127070;+86-24-74127071;The director of the office:+86-24-74562421;+86-24-74127078
  • Fax : Domestic sales department:+86-24-74570135;Export sales office:+86-24-74575180;Supply:084-24-74126475
  • Email
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  • Add :No.18 Beisan Road, Tiexi Street,Yinzhou Dist., Tieling City 112002,Liaoning, China

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