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  • Region :China/Zhejiang
  • Tel : +86-575-82518361,82518360
  • Fax : +86-575-825185358
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  • Add : Daoxu Town Chemical Zone, Shangyu District, Shaoxingt City, Zhejiang, China (Head Office)

Details for Water Softerner CT Powder

Water Softerner CT Powder

Category :

Catalyst and Auxiliary/Water Treatment Chemicals

Water Softerner CT Powder
MF :
MW :
Product description : HX-820 Water Softener CT Chemical Composition: Inorganic, organic chelating agent mixture Specification: Appearance: white powder PH value: 10 (1g/L CT) Ionicity: nonionic Solubility: Easily soluble in water Stability: resistance to acid, alkali Properties: This product can effectively reduce the water hardness; enhance the boiling off and dyeing effect. Recommended Dosage: 1. as softener in dyeing and printing 0.3-1.0g/L 2. as brighter or color repair 1.0-2.0g/L 100ºC, 20-50min Packaging and storage: 25 kg/bag. Store in a cool, dry place. Shelf time: one year.
Synonyms : no data

Water Softerner CT Powder

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