Featured China Agrochemicals Products
TC Imidacloprid
Imidacloprid is a kind of super efficient insecticide,with the characteristics of broad spectrum ,high-efficiency and low residue, ... >>>
Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
TC Cartap 15263-53-3
Cartap hydrochloride is used against a relatively broad spectrum of insects, e.g., Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera. It is especially effective against Lep... >>>
Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
TC Monosultap 52207-48-4
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Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
Dimethoate 40% EC 60-51-5
Dimethoate is one of the world's largest organophosphorous insecticides and acaricides.The product is particularly suitable for the control of a wide range of sucking an... >>>
Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
TC Dimethoate 60-51-5
Dimethoate is one of the world's largest organophosphorous insecticides and acaricides.The product is particularly suitable for the control of a wide range of sucking an... >>>
Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
TC Dichlorvos 62-73-7
DDVP is a kind of medium toxic pesticide, it has the actions of fumigaton and cntact poisoning, it exhibits good dffects in controlling chewing and sucding pests. DDVP's... >>>
Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
.Dichlorvos 62-73-7
DDVP is a kind of medium toxic pesticide, it has the actions of fumigaton and cntact poisoning, it exhibits good dffects in controlling chewing and sucding pests. DDVP's... >>>
Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
90%Dichlorvos 62-73-7
DDVP is a kind of medium toxic pesticide, it has the actions of fumigaton and cntact poisoning, it exhibits good dffects in controlling chewing and sucding pests. DDVP's... >>>
Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
95%Dichlorvos 62-73-7
DDVP is a kind of medium toxic pesticide, it has the actions of fumigaton and cntact poisoning, it exhibits good dffects in controlling chewing and sucding pests. DDVP's... >>>
Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
Chlorpyrifos 40%EC 2921-88-2
It is used to control and eliminate fleas, insects, termites, pests and mosquitoes. As one of the most widely used organophosphate insecticides,chlorpyrifos is used in ... >>>
Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
TC Imidacloprid
Total 16825 Products,Showing 65 / 1683|‹ ‹‹ 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ›› ›|