Featured China Textile Auxiliary Agent Products
washing auxiliary smoothing agent
PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS: 1.nano-tech level finishing agent ; 2.Significantly improves brightness of garment; 3.Significantly improves smoothness of garment APPLICATI... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary Sodium acid softener
PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS: 1.nano-tech level finishing agent ; 2.Significantly improves brightness of garment; 3.Significantly improves smoothness of garment APPLICATI... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary fluffy softening agent
PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS: soft,smooth, fluffy to the touch APPLICATION: PS:1-2% owf Bath ratio:1:5-8; Temp.:30-40°C; Time:5-10mins;... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary Pressure knit resin
PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS: 1. good anti-wrinkle features 2. elastic recovery rate is high 3. low formaldehyde content 4. small strength reduction APPLICATION: garme... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary
APPLICATION: bleach concentration: depend on color and depth of shade; MASTONE CB:1.0-1.5% owf Bath ratio:1:8-10; Temp.:40°C; Put in bleach (sodium hypoc... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary 167396-32-9;55295-98-2;75944-37-5
Bath ratio:1:8-10; Temp.:40-50°C; Time:10-15mins; Drain empty the residual liquid after applying fixing agent, rinse and follow with other finishing processes;... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary
Pumice stone: 0-3 bags Bath ratio: 1:8-10 Temp:10-35 c Time: 30-50mins Drain the bath empty and rinse once more with water Product Characteristics: 1. ... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary 9012-54-8
Pumice stone:0-3 bags Bath ratio: 1:8-10 PH: 4.5-5 Temp: 50-55 c Time: 30-50 mins Drain the bath empty and rinse once more with cold water.;Ku-zyme;Kutras... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary 9014-01-1
Appearance:powder Bath ratio: 1:8-10 PH: 4.5-5 Temp: 50-55 c Time: 30-50 mins Drain the bath empty and rinse once more with cold water.;protease type viii b... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary
Application: DL100: 0.5-1.0% owf Liquor ratio: 1:8-10 TEMP:50-60 ℃ Time: 10-15 minutes Drain the bath empty and rinse once more with water ... >>>
Asean industrial (H.K) Corp.
washing auxiliary smoothing agent
Total 704 Products,Showing 49 / 71|‹ ‹‹ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ›› ›|