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  • Propylene glycol  57-55-6;123120-98-9

    It can be used as raw material for resins, plasticizers, surfactants, emulsifiers and demulsifiers, and can also be used as antifreeze and heat carriers.It can be used a... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • Ethylene glycol  107-21-1

    It is mainly used as a raw material for polyester fibers, and is used in other polyester resins, unsaturated polyester resins and 1730 polyesters Lacquer. Many types o... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • Sodium propionate  137-40-6

    Colorless transparent crystals, granules or white crystalline powders. Odorless or slightly odoured with propionic acid. Easily deliquesed, highly soluble in water, solu... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • Calcium Propionate  4075-81-4

    Calcium propionate is a white crystalline particle or crystalline powder. Odorless or slightly acrylic odor, hygroscopic, easily soluble in water, insoluble in alcohols.... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • Salicylic acid  69-72-7

    Salicylic acid, also known as willow acid, is more acidic than benzoic acid, darkens in sunlight, becomes purple-red chelate when iron ions meet iron, reacts with ferric... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • Cinnamaldehyde  104-55-2;14371-10-9

    Pale yellow viscous liquid with a special cinnamon flavor. The relative density is 1.049 (20°C/4°C), melting point -7.5°C, boiling point 253°C (partial decomposition... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • trans-Cinnamic acid  140-10-3;621-82-9

    Cinnamic acid is also known as cinnamic acid and cinnamic acid. Molecular structural formula: C6H5CHCHCOOH, the appearance is white monoclinic crystallization, slightly ... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    

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