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  • Amino resin  9003-08-1

    It is used as an adhesive for plywood and veneer;Melamine/formaldehyde resin;1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine, polymer with formaldehyde;Nanoplast;Budamin MF 55I;Budamin MF... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • epoxy hardener  

    Epoxy curing agent is a chemical reaction with epoxy resin to form a mesh-like stereoscopic polymer, which envelops the insulating material bone into the mesh and promot... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • Methyl isobutyl ketoxime  105-44-2

    It is used for oil-based paints, alkyd paints, epoxy ester paints, etc. to prevent surface crusts during use and storage, and is also the main raw material for the produ... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • Pentaerythritol  115-77-5

    主要用于涂料行业,可用于制造醇酸树脂涂料,可提高涂膜的硬度、光泽度和耐久性。可用作涂料、清漆、印刷油墨等所需的松香酯的原料,可制成干燥油、阴燃涂料和航空润滑油。季戊四醇的... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    
  • Calcium chloride  10043-52-4;17787-72-3

      Calcium chloride is used in brine, road ice melting agent and desiccant used in refrigeration equipment.Calcium chloride and its hydrates and solutions have importan... >>>

    Wuhan Biet Co., Ltd.    

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