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Featured China Herbal Plant Extract Products

  • Shisandra Extract  7432-28-2

    Shisandra Extract Product: Shisandra Extract Botanical Name: Schisandra chinensis Part Used: Seed Specification: 2-15% Schisandrins, 1%,2% Schizandrin B, 1-... >>>

    3W Botanical Extract Inc.    
  • Uva ursi Extract  497-76-7

    Uva ursi Extract Product: Uva ursi Extract Botanical Name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Part Used: Leaf Specification: α arbutin 99%, βarbutin 99% Appearance... >>>

    3W Botanical Extract Inc.    

Total 1912 Products,Showing 23 / 192|‹   ‹‹   21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ›› ›|

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