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List for China Intermediates Suppliers
Taifa Pharma
Taifa Pharma, origined from Taizhou Baida Pharma ,is one of the pioneer professional Hormone and Steroid manufacturers in China. Our parent company is publicly-listed in Hongkong. We are quite flexible and sensitive to the m >>>
Zhejiang Charioteer Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is located in Tongyuanxi, Dazhan, Xianju, Zhejiang Province, established in 1988 and has three wholly-owned subsidiaries: Zhejiang Charioteer Pharmaceutical Co.,ltd., Jiangsu Baju Pharma >>>
Jiangsu Yongjian Chemical Co., Ltd.(Nanjing Tonglian Chemical Co., Ltd.)
Jiangsu Yongjian Chemical Co., Ltd. (Nanjing Tonglian Chemical Co., Ltd. )is a technological innovation-based enterprise that was established in 10 Zhangma Road, Huaian Salinization New Material Industrial Park, Huaian City, Jiangs >>>
Shanxi Tianxi Trade Co., Ltd
Shanxi Tianxi Trade Co., a company which integrates science, industry and trade. It owns strong technology ability, advanced management and completed supervision method. The products’quality is excellent. The company will t >>>
Taifa Pharma
Total 1143 Suppliers,Showing 99 / 115|‹ ‹‹ 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ›› ›|